This map shows you just how big Africa really is. Africa contains 20% of the worlds land mass!
Here are some other facts about Africa’s size and diversity:
• One square foot of land out of five are in Africa
• More people live in Africa than in any other continent except Asia.
• Almost one out of three countries in the world are in Africa.
• The climate varies from hot and dry to hot and humid to mild.
• Africa has snow & glaciers
• Africa is home to one species of penguin
• It has both vast deserts and dense rain forests and everything in between
• Its peoples speak more than 1,800 languages
This map is of the Central African Republic (CAR). Bangui is the capital city. N'dele, can be seen in the north, and it is the rebel stronghold for the Islamic terrorist group the FPRC. Obo can be seen in the far south east. The CAR is only slightly smaller than Texas.
South Sudan
The CAR government claims that they control the area that is shown in yellow, (< 20% of the country) however that is optimistic in the very least. The area shown in red is controlled by terrorists. The CAR is only slightly smaller than Texas